Index - quick search
- Setting up your activities
Scheduling your activities
- How to cancel a single class / appointment
- Cancell all Activities / Remove a series of classes
- Editing the activity settings in Eversports
- Editing an appointment
- Synchronisation
- Free training
How do I connect to Eversports
When you would like to connect your Eversports to Urban Sports Club you would first need to follow the instructions of turning the integration on, in the Eversports manager. This page describes the steps for turning on the connection with Eversports.
What does the sign-up process look like:
- You click on Market in the Eversports manager
- You accept the costs of the integration
- You will receive an automated email from Eversports explaining how to set up the integration
- In this email:
- you will find a link to the Eversports FAQ page explaining the integration
- you will find the steps to find location UUIDs, needed for setting up integration
- you will find the Typeform, which sets the integration request in motion
- You will then fill out the Typeform with all necessary information including location UUIDs
- Typeform submission is sent to Urban Sports Club support
- Urban Sports Club support will then set up and activate the integration 2 weeks from the activation date
- Urban Sports Club support sends a confirmation to you that states the integration has been activated and at which starting date the classes will be visible.
Please keep in mind that we will usually set a date for the new classes to appear on the Urban Sports Club website 2 weeks after we have received the request. This is because the classes appear 2 weeks beforehand on the schedule and this way we can have a smooth transition into Eversports without unnecessarily losing reservations already made in the old situation.
Setting up your activities
Activities VS Appointments
In Eversports, creating a class has two steps. First, you create an activity. The activity is a class type. This contains the data that belongs to a class and the basic settings. The second step is to plan appointments we call these classes at Urban Sports Club. Planning appointments just means scheduling your classes. These appointments are based on activities.
Create a new activity in the Eversports manager
1. Click the "New" button to create a new activity while you are in the schedule 2. Select "Create a new activity" and click "Next step" 3. Select "Individual booking per appointment" and Click "Next step" 4. The type should always be Class for Urban Sports Club - Select "Class" Then click "Create activity" to continue to the activity wizard. Tip: One booking for multiple appointments does not work for Urban Sports Club |
Adding the sports category
5. Add the title and the description for the activity 6. Select a group from the dropdown - this is to color-code your activities in the schedule 7. Select the correct Sport category Tip: The group is not the class category and does not appear on the Urban Sports Club side Please note: The sports category needs to be manually mapped by Urban Sports Club support in the Partner Portal. We execute this mapping once a day (excluding weekends). This means that your class is visible within 24hrs. |
Adding an Image to your activity
8. Select an image that represents the class. Without the image, the form will not let you continue 9. Don't forget to upload your image 10. We are now clear to proceed to set up the rules of the activity. |
The settings of the activity
For Urban Sports Club the "participation settings" are not relevant - skip this step 11. Unfold the "registration rules". It is important here to select "Online booking possible (Recommended)". Otherwise the Urban Sports Club members will not be able to book these activities. 12. The "Online registration period" Should be set to standard |
Aggregator rules
13. Click "Allow bookings from aggregators" to share the planned appointments of this activity type with Urban Sports Club. 14. Select "Unlimited, for all aggregators" - Other settings also possible
Unlimited, for all aggregators means that the total number of classes is shared between aggregators and own members. Limited, for all aggregators means that the aggregators get a portion of the spots of a class to share. Limit bookings per aggregator means that the aggregator has a set number of spots per aggregator within the total amount of spots in a class. |
The last settings
15. Under the "Cancellation conditions" Select "Default (24 h before start)" This is overridden by the Urban Sports Club cancelation notice and by default, this is 12 hours 16. Select "Never cancel this activity automatically" Currently the "Activate Automatic Cancellation" is not a feature we support with Urban Sports Club. Using this will not remove the class from the Urban Sports Club schedule. 17. Click "Proceed to appointments" to start to create activities If you want to re-use the settings later you can save this one as a template to base other activities off of later. |
Scheduling your activities
In Eversports, you schedule appointments. Urban Sports Club refers to your appointments as classes. In the previous step, we created an activity that we will need to schedule now.
Create Appointments in Eversports Manager
1. Click "New" in the schedule view of the Eversports Manager. 2. Select "Add a new appointment" and click "Next step" 3. Select the activity you would like to schedule from the dropdown list. 4. Click "Multiple appointments" 5. Fill in the weekly or biweekly schedule for the classes Eversports will only allow you to plan the same timeslot per day of the week as a repeat option. If you would like to plan the same class at a different time, you repeat the process of adding multiple appointments for the same activity. |
Setting up the location and spots
6. Select the City from the dropdown. This is important because this links back to the location on Urban Sports Club. Make sure you do not see any duplicates in the list of cities, this will be confusing when you have multiple locations and could lead to a mismatch and missing classes on the frontend of Urban Sports Club 7. Set the total number of spots available for the classes you are scheduling. The spot share options were set in the creation of the activities. They will be applied to this series of classes. The notes will never be visible to Urban Sports Club members, turning on the "Make notes visible to your customers" setting will be ignored. The "Offer online streaming" is not applicable for Urban Sports Club. This feature cannot be used for Urban Sports Club members. |
Confirm and check!
8. Click "Add appointment" to confirm the classes being created on the schedule. 9. Check the schedule to see if the classes appear. The synchronisation takes a moment. This means it could take up to 30 minutes before your classes also appear on the partner portal and on the frontend Creating a single appointment in Eversports works the same way with the same settings during this workflow. Just select the single appointment option in step 4 and the rest speaks for itself. |
How to cancel a single class / appointment
1. Click on the class you would like to cancel 2. Click on the trashcan icon to cancel the class (delete) 3. Click "Cancel appointment" to confirm the deletion of the class 4. Check the Eversports schedule to see if your class was removed. Due to synchronisation it could take up to 30 minutes for your cancelation to appear on the frontend of Urban Sports Club. Please be sure to cancel a class at least 2 hours before. In our experience, the participants of a class are usually already on their way if the cancelation happens later. The notification is more likely to be missed when this time window gets shorter. |
Cancel all activities / Remove a series of classes
Sometimes you wish to remove a complete series of classes from the schedule when you discontinue an class type. In Eversports you can remove all activities from the schedule in one go. There is no way to remove multiple classes at once on the other hand. If you would like to clear out the schedule, for example for a week, you would need to cancel the appointments one by one like the instructions above.
Finding your activities
1. Click "Management" to find the overview of activities currently in the system |
Cancelling all activities
2. Find the activity you would like to remove completely from the schedule and press the triple dot icon on the far right of the row. 3. Click "Archive / Delete" 4. Click "Archive activity" to confirm 5. Click "Calendar" to go back to the schedule and check if all activities are removed from the calendar. |
Editing the activity settings in Eversports
Sometimes you would like to edit the title of a class and sometimes the description needs a small improvement. You do this in the activity settings to make the change happen for all the appointments based on the same activity.
1. Click "Management" to find your activities 2. Find the class you would like to edit and click the three dots to the right of the row 3. Click "Edit" 4. Edit the necessary information 5. Click "Proceed to rules" to go to the next step If you have forgotten to turn on the "allow bookings from aggregators" option this is where you can fix this issue. 6. Click "Proceed to appointments" 7. Don't forget to click "save" in the next step 8. Click "Activities" to go back to the schedule and check if your changes were processed. Please also check your Urban Sports Club front end to see if the changes were processed. |
Editing an appointment
Eversports does not allow you to change the time or the date of the appointment. It is better to cancel the class and to schedule a new one if time or date changes. Please follow the instructions on cancelling an appointment and scheduling a single appointment.
1. Click on the class you would like to change 2. Click the "edit icon" 3. Make the changes 4. Click "Save" 5. Check the schedule to see if your change has been processed. Then also check the Urban Sports Club partner portal to see if the change has been processed there. Note: it could take a moment for the sync to happen. |
This Integration with Urban Sports Club is subjected to synchronisation. This means that it could take up to 30 minutes for any change to appear on the Urban Sports Club platform.
This includes
- Changes in the schedule
- Changes in the spots or information of classes
- The scheduling of new classes
- The cancelations of classes
Big changes
Please try not to change the location, time or date shortly before the class is about to start. This might have a negative impact on your visitors experience. Due to synchronisation this could mean the member misses the class.
If you spot something strange
If you don't see the change immediately reflected on the partner portal, it could be that the synchronisation has not happened yet. Wait a little while, refresh the pages and check again! If it takes longer than an hour, our support team is happy to help!
Free training
This integration does not support free training and the scheduling of free training timeslots. To schedule free training you go to the partner portal and schedule them there.
Online Classes
Currently the API's we are using to make this integration and connect it to Urban Sports Club, do not support the online class offer coming from the Integration side.
If you were hosting online classes before and these are represented in your contract with Urban Sports Club we will set up a new location profile that will be able to host Online classes through the usage of the Urban Sports Club Partner Portal.
Be sure to note: You cannot put the online classes in your integration's schedule because these will not work.
I have not hosted online classes before
Please reach out to your account manager at Urban Sports Club to discuss what the options are.