To connect your FitogramPro account to your Urban Sports Club profile, log in to your FitogramPro account and follow these steps:
- Go to the "Integrations" tab and select "Add Integration"
- Select all events you want to sync with Urban Sports Club (Events with the Type ‘Class’ will automatically be selected)
- Alternatively you can also select which future events you would like to automatically connect to Urban Sports Club (you can also edit this to include more events later on)
- Once you have made your selection, you can activate the integration by clicking on "Update event sync list"
You will be forwarded to the login page of the Urban Sports Club partner tool, where you can then select which of the locations from your FitogramPro account you would like to connect to your Urban Sports Club locations. Once you have selected your locations and confirmed your selection, your classes will be synced to your Urban Sports Club schedule.
You can see which of your FitogramPro locations were successfully connected by the green tick mark next to it when you go to Settings > Resource Management > Locations in your FitogramPro account.