No shows and Late Cancellations
Check in
- How does an Urban Sports Club check in work?
- What could be the cause of a failed check in?
- The Urban Sports Club member brings an additional person with them who is not a Urban Sports Club member. How should I react?
- How can I add or remove a check-in?
- How can Urban Sports Club members book my classes?
- Do Urban Sports Club members still have to check in for my classes via the QR code if they have booked a class?
Partner Portal
- How does our payout model work?
- How does the invoicing work between the partners and Urban Sports Club?
- How can I change my bank account information or billing address for the invoices?
- Who can I contact if my payout is incorrect or if I have billing questions?
- What tax information do I need to provide to Urban Sports Club?
- Tax information: How will my data be shared?
General questions
- What does Urban Sports Club do to activate their members to come to my studio?
- How can I review my official Urban Sports Club profile page?
- Can I offer Online-classes with Urban Sports Club?
- How can I add a new location to my Urban Sports Club profile?
- If I offer outdoor classes, what details should I pay attention to?
- How do I get a new QR code?